Foundation Brings Residents to Pathologists Leadership Summit

The CAP Foundation Leadership Development Award introduces pathology residents to the specialty’s issues and leadership opportunities at the institutional, local, state, and national levels. The award enhances each recipient’s education and experience on issues challenging the practice of pathology.

In partnership with CAP Advocacy, four future pathology advocates attended the Pathologists Leadership Summit (PLS) in Washington, DC, in mid-April. Each awardee was paired with a mentor who served as a resource before, during ,and after the meeting. They offered insight and guidance on health policy as it influences pathology and patient care and provided general career advice and counsel. Awardees told the Foundation that the PLS highlighted pressing issues in medicine and pathology, like the shortage of health care workers, Medicare payment plans, and budget neutrality. Read more about the experiences and future plans of the four award winners below.

To tackle these challenges, I’ll work with local and state leaders to push for policies that support health care training and improve access to care. I’ll also reach out to local congressmen and use platforms like social media to raise awareness about pathology issues and advocate for positive changes in health care. –Asma Arshia, MBBA

The PLS was an immensely enriching experience. It provided me with invaluable networking opportunities, crucial career guidance, and a supportive partnership that enhanced my professional growth. I was introduced to influential individuals in my field and received tailored advice that clarified my career path and resolved my professional doubts. This summit not only deepened my understanding of the pressing issues facing pathology but also equipped me with actionable strategies to advocate for and impact these challenges at both local and state levels. –Jing Di, MD, PhD

After the various panel sessions and networking activities, I truly understood the issues affecting pathology and medicine. Even more so, I could relate these issues to my experiences as a pathology resident and present them to our political leaders. This experience was made even better by the mentorship I received from others in attendance. My partner on Hill Day coached me on how to present the issues at hand and build meaningful relationships with the various members of the offices we visited and showed me the value of coming back year after year to advocate for the field of pathology. Receiving this CAP Foundation award opened the door to advocacy for me, and I cannot wait to continue participating in Hill Days for years to come. –Alyssa Lee, MD

During the PLS, I learned more about the struggles of laboratory management in rural settings and laboratory equity. After the conference, I spoke with one of our laboratory directors about starting a research project relating to laboratory equity and testing access, and plan on completing a project related to laboratory access for homeless persons this coming academic year. –Alexandria Wellman, MD, MS

2024 Leadership Development Awardees

Alexandria Chloe Wellman, MD, MS
University of California Los Angeles
Mentor: Steven Long MD, FCAP

Alyssa Lee, MD
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Mentor: Saeed Bajestani, MD, FCAP

Asma Arshia, MBBS
University of Kentucky
Mentor: Eric Loo, MD, FCAP

Jing Di, MD, PhD
University of Kentucky Healthcare
Mentor: Sara Rutter, MD, FCAP

Follow the CAP Foundation on Facebook and Twitter to learn more about our awardees and upcoming opportunities. Visit the donate page to contribute to the Alvin M. Ring, MD, FCAP, Future Leaders Fund and support future awardees.

Drs. Masa Peric (left) and Rebecca Osgood at a See, Test & Treat program in Cambridge, MA.