See, Test & Treat
See, Test & Treat is a free, pathologist-led cancer screening and health education program that brings the power of diagnostic medicine to medically underserved populations with the goals of:
- Addressing health disparities by reducing barriers to care for medically underserved people through health care system partnerships.
- Empowering prevention by delivering dignified cervical and breast cancer screenings—with same-day or prompt results—with a focus on health education.
- Connecting communities by linking patients and their families to a medical home and resources within their own communities.
In a single-day, culturally appropriate program, women receive a pelvic and clinical breast exam, a Pap test with same-day results, a screening mammogram with same-day or prompt results, connection to follow-up care, interpretive services, impactful health education, and translated educational materials to take home.
Program Expectations
The following are mandatory components every See, Test & Treat must provide:
- Free cervical and breast cancer screenings for medically underserved populations (MUPs) or populations living in medically underserved areas (MUAs) as defined by the Health Resources and Services Administration
- Same-day results for cervical cancer screenings; results same-day (preferable) or within one week for breast cancer screenings
- Culturally, linguistically appropriate health education for your target communities
- Connection to care for any individual in need of follow-up services or treatment, regardless of health insurance status
Funding is open to CAP members in partnership with a 501(c)3 non-profit organization(s) to support programs taking place in the US.
Also, applicants must have the following in place before applying for a grant:
- Ability to screen at least 50 women per program
- Ability to support the four core program components
- A committed pathologist leader who is also a member of the CAP. The pathologist leader must be part of the on-site health care team providing services at the See, Test & Treat program.
All applicants will be considered regardless of age, race, gender, or national origin.
Funding Pathways
This is a competitive grant application process- not all applicants will be awarded funding. Applications will be thoroughly vetted and awards will be based on funding availability, past performance and need within your community.
There are two funding pathways for See, Test & Treat:
Single-Year Funding
New and repeat applicants are invited to apply for grants up to $20,000 to support eligible program expenses for one year.
Repeat applicants (those who have successfully completed one or more grant cycles of See, Test & Treat) are expected to incorporate a decrease (up to 10% from previous year) in requested funding to gradually work toward program sustainability. Maintenance funding is available (by invitation only) to “repeat” grantees who:
- Have completed three grant cycles of See, Test & Treat (including successful execution of program and required reporting)
- Have screened at least 50 women per program
- Are requesting $8,000 or less in funding
Multiyear Funding
Multiyear funding (MYF) provides conditional grant funding up to $50,000 over a three-year period. The Foundation reserves the right to reevaluate grant funding based on the availability of funds, meeting of program goals, and the determination that continued funding is in the best interest of your institution and the CAP Foundation. This funding option involves a shared financial commitment in which the hosting institution assumes an annual funding reduction of up to 10%. One to two MYF funding slots will be available in 2025. Eligibility is open to “repeat” grantees who:
- Have successfully completed at least one full cycle of See, Test & Treat (program plus outcomes reporting requirements over the last three years)
- Screened at least 50 women per program
Note, applicants not chosen for MYF are automatically placed in the application pool for single-year funding.
Application Process
The See, Test & Treat process begins with our Request for Applications (RFA) period. The RFA period for 2025 is now closed. All applications must be submitted through our online portal; the CAP Foundation will not accept mailed, faxed, or emailed applications. Please contact the Foundation with any questions.
The following items are required when submitting your application:
- Your or your partner organization’s 501(c)3 number
- Letters of support (template provided in the application portal) demonstrating the capacity to deliver See, Test & Treat’s four core components from your:
- breast cancer screening provider
- cervical cancer screening provider
- host institution leadership
- Three potential dates for your See, Test & Treat program
- Your See, Test & Treat budget (template provided in the application portal)
After Applying
CAP Foundation staff will review your application and may contact you for additional information or clarification during the review process.
Additional Resources
For more information on the application and hosting process, review the following resources: