What We Fund

CAP Foundation offers scholarships ranging from $300 to $25,000 to support resident training, research, leadership opportunities, and patient-centered work by pathologists to help prepare the pathology leaders of tomorrow. 

Clinical Laboratory Science Investigator Award

Forensic Pathology Advanced Training Grant

Global Pathology Development Grant

Global Pathology Education Award

Informatics Award

Keitges Grant for Medical Ethics

Leadership Development Award

Medical Student Travel Award

See, Test & Treat® Grant

Funded Up ToFocusEligibilityTimeframe
$20,000Pathologist-led free cervical and breast cancer screenings for medically underserved women throughout the United StatesCAP Members2025 Request for Application CLOSED

Sparking Interest in Pathology Award

Translational Diagnostics: Advanced Training Elective

Genomic Testing Process Improvement Award

Young Investigator HER2 Research Award

John H. Rippey Grant for Expedited Research

Digital Pathology and Artificial Intelligence Advanced Training Grant

Digital Pathology Observership Grant